Nutritional Program for Obesity and Bariatric Surgery

Nutritional Program for Obesity and Bariatric Surgery

Discover Nootric's specialized nutritional program, designed to address both obesity and bariatric surgery preparation and recovery process. We provide you with comprehensive and personalized support to achieve your optimal wellbeing through nutrition.

Our nutritional program is tailored to the unique needs of those living with obesity, as well as those preparing for or recovering from bariatric surgery. Based on the latest scientific evidence and the experience of our nutrition experts, we provide individualized plans that ensure your safety and health at every stage.

At Nootric, we understand both the physical and emotional challenges of obesity and bariatric surgery. Our approach goes beyond nutrition, addressing your holistic health and well-being. Through detailed nutritional education, specific dietary guidelines and ongoing follow-up, we help you establish and maintain habits that will lead you towards a full life, full of vitality and confidence, whether you are preparing for surgery or in the recovery phase.

What does the Obesity and Bariatric Surgery program include?

<span class='has-text-weight-bold'>Personalized nutrition program</span>

Personalized nutrition program

Tailored to each person's circumstances, we will work together to achieve and maintain your goals, with plans that address different situations:

  • Nutritional plan for sustainable weight loss in obesity.
  • Nutritional plan for the prevention of nutritional deficiencies and preparation for bariatric surgery.
  • Nutritional plan for bariatric postoperative recovery.
<span class='has-text-weight-bold'>Our nutrition professionals</span>

Our nutrition professionals

Use cognitive-behavioral techniques to help you learn about your diet and improve your relationship with food, understanding that the change of lifestyle is generated step by step.

Easy and comfortable from your cell phone, with <span class='has-text-weight-bold'>best app</span> where you will find

Easy and comfortable from your cell phone, with best app where you will find

  • Weekly menus with simple and delicious recipes.
  • Workouts that you can do at home without equipment.
  • Shopping list to go to the supermarket.
  • Tutorials, guides, challenges and videos with didactic material.

Subscribe now to the Obesity and Bariatric Surgery Program

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Why is nutrition important in the treatment of obesity?

The importance of nutrition in the treatment of obesity lies in its direct influence on the metabolic and hormonal processes that regulate energy balance. An adequate diet not only controls caloric intake, but also modulates satiety, thermogenesis and fat oxidation, influencing weight loss. In addition, a balanced diet improves insulin sensitivity, reduces systemic inflammation and mitigates cardiovascular risk factors associated with obesity. Evidence-based nutrition is an essential component in the comprehensive management of obesity, promoting sustainable lifestyle changes and metabolic health.
If undergoing bariatric intervention, nutrition can help patients lose weight in a controlled manner prior to surgery, which can reduce the risk of complications during surgery and improve metabolic response to the procedure.
After bariatric surgery, nutrition becomes even more crucial due to the drastic reorganization of the digestive system. Adaptation to the new gastrointestinal anatomy requires specialized attention to nutrient intake. Malabsorption of certain nutrients is common after surgery, which can lead to nutritional deficiencies if not properly managed.
In summary, nutrition is critical in the management of obesity, both before and after bariatric surgery-if applicable-because of its influence on preparation for surgery, postoperative recovery, and prevention of nutritional deficiencies. An evidence-based nutritional approach is essential to ensure safe and sustainable weight loss and to maintain long-term health in patients with obesity undergoing bariatric surgery.


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